Sunday, October 18, 2009


The Autumn colors are just beginning to peek through... the sun actually came out for a few hours, as it's been raining almost everyday for the last month!! So we took a little fishin trip (last weekend) ...Solomon Esther and 'Pan' --our new Jack Russel puppy --- to go along with our Boston-- 'Tink' !!
our serious fisherman! Gabriel

one of many...
Esther and Solomon with some help from Daddy

Esther's first fish that she reeled in!

Solomon's first fish...

Solomon LOVED his fish and carried it around for about 3 hours!! Montie told him it was probably a dead fish, but Solomon replied, " No Daddy, it's a Happy Fish!!"

Smelling good !!

"Look Mom -- the fish are kissing!"

It was a fun day... we were going to stay in the little cabin there (Montie's Dad's cabin) but were driven out with these enormous nighttime hornet stinging flying bugs that were attracted to the light?!! It was nice to sleep in our own beds anyway!!

not quite sure what Esther's expression is all about?

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