This is a beautiful family the Lord has brought into our lives...
just in time for our next adoption and now theirs' !!!
just in time for our next adoption and now theirs' !!!
They are a living testimony of living the true gospel...
James 1:27
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
... after a LONG week... I often get so 'caught up' in this world... need to refocus and remember how blessed I am to get to do what I do in EVERY aspect of life
.... this was such encouragement to me!
thought I'd share it...
"#1 - The girls wore their Poppy Dips for our homestudy home visit today. They looked adorable and the social worker commented on how beautiful their dresses were. The girls felt so pretty in their dresses. :) I told her of your adoption journey and she said she wishes you well - and she meant it. She was touched by your family's story.
James 1:27
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
... after a LONG week... I often get so 'caught up' in this world... need to refocus and remember how blessed I am to get to do what I do in EVERY aspect of life
.... this was such encouragement to me!
thought I'd share it...
#2 - Annalise, Annie and I were sewing doll clothes for their babies. They were doing most of the "sewing" while I was coaching. (Very crude outfits, but lots of love and care put into them by the girls). While Annie was hand-sewing a gathering thread across the top of her baby's sundress, I showed her how to pull the fabric along the gathering thread to bunch the fabric. She said, "Mommy, it looks just like my Poppy Dip!"
#3 - Not long after that, Annalise was hand-sewing a casing for her dolly's bonnet. We put the elastic through the casing and cinched it up, and she said, "Mommy, it's just like the top of my Poppy Dip!"
You are not only making beautiful dresses, but encouraging little seamstresses in the art of sewing. Thought you might want to know. :) ~ Kittye"
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